Sabtu, 13 April 2024

The History of Waist Training: From Ancient Practices to Modern Trends

The practice of cinching the waist using waist trainers or corsets is called waist training, and it helps achieve an hourglass figure. It has a varied and rich history that goes back centuries. It has its origins in ancient civilizations, and in modern times it has resurged as a very popular trend.

It has evolved alongside fashion ideals and many cultural norms. We want to go much deeper into the fascinating history of  waist trainer drop shipping tracing the roots back to ancient practices to continue with the modern-day practices and manifestations.

Waist training ancient beginnings

The waist training practice can be traced back to ancient civilization. Back then some garments were used to shape and define the waistline. For example, in ancient Egypt, women used to wear linen bands or girdles around their midsections to accentuate their curves and also create their desired silhouette.

These early garments were often adorned with decorations and embroidery, which reflected the importance that Egyptian society placed on femininity and beauty. Ancient Roman and Greek women used garments known as "strophium", which was a breast band that extended down to the waist. It supported and shaped the torso.

Believe it or not, these early forms of waist training served as status symbols and societal standing while also being quite functional. They were elaborated with materials and designs that were only reserved for the elites. Surely, they would have had something similar to waistdear reviews to know where to get the best ones.

Corsetry during medieval times

During this period, the waist training concept evolved with the introduction of the corsets. These were structured garments that were made of stiffened fabrics or even whalebones. During this time, corsets were worn by women of all societal classes so they could achieve a fashionable silhouette. This was characterized by full hips and a narrow waist.

Initially, these corsets were laced at the back or the front and were also worn over a chemise to provide support and shaping to the torso area. The designs or corsets kept evolving, and in the Renaissance, these garments became more elaborate and featured intricate boning and even embellishments like embroidery, lace, or decorative stitching. They were also often tailored to conform to some idealized proportions, that had an emphasis on an ample bust and small waist.

The rise of tightlacing and the Victorian era

During this era, the waist training culture had a peak with the practice of tightlacing, which was the art of cinching the waist to extreme proportions using corsets that were tightly laced. The hourglass figure during this time was idealized as the epitome of beauty and femininity.

It became such a social phenomenon, that made women of all social classes and backgrounds strive to achieve these idealized tiny waists. The corsets were progressively laced tighter over time, and the help of maids of family members was needed to reduce the waistline.

Tightlacing was not only recognized for its ability to create a more fashionable silhouette, but it did carry some risks for health complications, which included organ displacement, skeletal deformities, and restricted breathing.

Contemporary Trends and Modern Resurgence

In recent decades, waist training has experienced a resurgence of popularity, thanks to celebrity endorsements, social media influencers, and even the athleisure culture, which includes wholesale yoga legging. Modern garments involve the use of waist trainers made out of neoprene, latex, or other compression materials.

They have been designed to provide targeted compression, especially to the midsection area as well as to stimulate thermal activity and promote perspiration which aids in shaping and slimming the waistline.

Contrary to the restrictive garments of the past, modern waist trainers are worn often during workouts and even as part of everyday outfits. They offer a more flexible and comfortable alternative to corsets. It has also become a more inclusive practice, as it's now offering a wide range of styles and sizes, that will accommodate diverse preferences and body types.

Jumat, 05 Januari 2024

Gen Z Butuh Pemimpin yang Kuat Seperti Prabowo

Prabowo Subianto (dok.ig.prabowo)

 Gen Z, yang merupakan generasi muda zaman sekarang tentu memiliki pandangan yang berbeda dengan generasi sebelumnya. Hal ini dipengaruhi dengan perkembangan teknologi yang mendominasi dunia mereka. Sat-set itulah yang disukai oleh gen Z, kerja cepat dan gerak cepat. 

Begitu pula dalam menentukan calon pemimpin yang dianggap layak bagi mereka. Tipe pemimpin seperti itu ada pada capres Prabowo Subianto. Sebagai orang yang dibesarkan dalam dunia militer, geraknya terorganisir, cepat dan tepat sasaran. Tanpa banyak bicara tapi hasilnya ada. 

Di samping itu, Prabowo Subianto juga memiliki beberapa kelebihan, karakter yang sejalan dengan gen Z. Kelebihan-kelebihan ini tidak ada pada capres lainnya. Pengalaman yang menempa Prabowo menjadi titik penting yang membuat dia sangat menonjol.

Beberapa kelebihan Prabowo:

1. Disiplin

Sebagai orang militer, Prabowo sudah terbiasa hidup secara disiplin. Ia tidak suka menunda pekerjaan, semua harus dilakukan secara tepat dalam waktu yang telah ditentukan. Karena itu, target-target yang harus dicapai, pasti terlampau kecuali jika ada sesuatu yang luar biasa.

Orang yang tidak terbiasa dengan disiplin, lebih sering mengabaikan batas waktu. Hal ini berbahaya dalam sistem pemerintahan karena efeknya akan dirasakan seluruh rakyat. Padahal rakyat harus diutamakan. Kesejahteraan rakyat menjadi prioritas dari pembangunan.

2. Terpercaya

Prabowo sudah dikenal sebagai orang yang berdedikasi. Semua pekerjaan yang diserahkan kepada dia, mampu diselesaikan dengan baik. Karena itu dia adalah tokoh yang mendapat kepercayaan dari berbagai pihak, bahkan juga sampai keluar negeri.

Beberapa dekade yang lalu, Prabowo pernah dipercaya menjadi pelatih pasukan di kerajaan Jordania. Hal ini karena kemampuan Prabowo yang tinggi di bidang militer sehingga kerajaan Jordania memilih dia untuk  melatih pasukan mereka.

3. Tegas dan disegani 

Karakter  tegas dan disegani ada pada sosok yang terlatih di bidang militer seperti Prabowo Subianto. Kadang ada orang yang salah menafsirkan bahwa tegas adalah galak, padahal untuk memberikan garis batas apa yang boleh dan apa yang tidak boleh dilakukan.

Apalagi dalam mengurus negara Indonesia yang sangat luas dan memiliki sumber daya alam yang banyak serta berbagai macam suku bangsa. Butuh kepemimpinan yang tegas untuk menjaga persatuan dan kesatuan dari ancaman yang datang dari dalam dan luar negeri.

4. Siap berkorban

Prabowo Subianto sudah tidak memiliki ambisi pribadi. Dia hanya ingin berbakti kepada bangsa dan negara Indonesia yang dia cintai. Prabowo siap mengorbankan apa yang dimilikinya untuk tanah air.

Jangankan untuk negara sendiri, bahkan untuk rakyat Palestina, Prabowo telah menyumbangkan uang sebesar Rp. 1 milyar. Karena Prabowo sudah cukup kaya, tidak perlu mencari kekayaan lagi. Kalau tidak memiliki kekayaan, nantinya bisa terjebak korupsi. 

5. Relasi dan diplomasi

Prabowo Subianto mempunyai relasi yang luas di dunia internasional seiring dengan pengalaman di masa lalu. Jadi dia juga sudah biasa berdiplomasi dengan wakil-wakil dari negara-negara lain. Ia paham situasi internasional yang sangat penting bagi eksistensi Indonesia. 

Karena itu, penguasaan bahasa asing adalah salah satu kelebihan Prabowo Subianto. Dia sudah banyak menjalin kerjasama, hubungan bilateral, berkomunikasi dengan berbagai pihak dari luar negeri. 

Di dalam negeri, Prabowo Subianto juga cukup dekat dengan para ulama dan tokoh masyarakat. Dia mau mendengarkan suara rakyat dan memperhatikan kemajuan generasi muda.

Prabowo Subianto (sumber: pinterest)